后退李希琳(Li, Xilin)
李希琳博士主要研究方向是决策与判断、消费者行为与心理等方面。她的大量研究成果的发表于多领域的国际顶级学术期刊,其中包括综合科学类顶级期刊《美国国家科学院院刊》(PNAS);英国《金融时报》认定的50种经管类权威期刊,例如《管理科学》(Management Science)、《市场营销研究期刊》(Journal of Marketing Research)、《消费者研究期刊》(Journal of Consumer Research)、《组织行为与人类决策过程》(Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes);心理学类顶级期刊《个性与社会心理学杂志》 (Journal of Personality and Social Psychology) 和《个性与社会心理学通报》(Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin)。李博士也多次在国际顶尖学术会议上进行演讲,包括美国消费者研究协会,美国判断与决策学会,美国消费者心理协会组织的各项会议。
- 2022年 芝加哥大学布斯商学院行为科学博士学位
- 2022年 芝加哥大学布斯商学院工商管理硕士学位
- 2017年 北京大学心理学硕士学位
- 2013年 北京师范大学心理学学士学位
- 决策与判断
- 消费者行为
- 消费者心理
- 消费者行为与心理
- 管理决策
- 谈判
How Framing Influences Strategic Interactions(Hsee, Christopher K., Alex Imas, and Xilin Li (equal contribution)) , Management Science, Forthcoming
The Psychology of Negative-Sum Competition in Strategic Interactions(Hsee, Christopher K., Ying Zeng, Xilin Li, and Alex Imas) , Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2023
It Could Be Better’ Can Make It Worse: When and Why People Mistakenly Communicate Upward Counterfactual Information(Li, Xilin, Hsee, C. K., & O’Brien, E. ) , Journal of Marketing Research, 60(2), 219-236, 2023
Relevance Insensitivity: A Framework of Psychological Biases in Consumer Behavior and Beyond(Yang, Yang, Xilin Li and Christopher K. Hsee) , Consumer Psychology Review, 6(1), 121-132, 2023
A Framing Effect in the Judgement of Discrimination(Hsee, Christopher K. and Xilin Li ) , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119(47), e2205988119, 2022
The Psychology of Marginal Utility(Li, Xilin and Christopher K. Hsee ) , Journal of Consumer Research, 48(1), 169-188, 2021
Bounded Rationality in Strategic Decisions: Undershooting in a Resource Pool-Choice Dilemma(Hsee, Christopher K., Ying Zeng, Xilin Li, and Alex Imas) , Management Science, 67(10), 6553-6567, 2021
Free-riding and Cost-bearing in Discrimination(Li, Xilin and Christopher K. Hsee ) , Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 163, 80-90, 2021
People Adapt More Slowly to Social Income Changes Than to Temporal Income Changes(Li, Xilin, Christopher K. Hsee, and Li Wang) , Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 27(1), 46-56, 2021
Incivility Awareness Could Save Lives(Li, Xilin, Christopher K. Hsee, and Li Wang) , Behavioral Science & Policy, 7(1), 1-8, 2021
Prediction Biases: An Integrative Review(Yang, Yang, Christopher K. Hsee, and Xilin Li ) , Current Directions in Psychological Science, 30(3), 195-201, 2021
Hard to Bear: State Boredom Increases Financial Risk Taking(Miao, Peng, Xilin Li, and Xiaofei Xie ) , Social Psychology, 51(3), 157-170, 2020
Conflating Temporal Advancement and Epistemic Advancement: The Progression Bias in Judgment and Decision Making(Zhou, Haotian, Xilin Li, and Jessica Sim ) , Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 45(11), 1563-1579, 2019
Beyond Preference Reversal: Distinguishing Justifiability from Evaluability in Joint versus Single Evaluations(Li, Xilin and Christopher K. Hsee ) , Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 153, 63-74, 2019
Being ‘Rational’ Is Not Always Rational: Encouraging People to Be Rational Leads to Hedonically Suboptimal Decisions(Li, Xilin and Christopher K. Hsee ) , Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 4(2), 115-124, 2019
Relevance Insensitivity: A New Look at Some Old Biases(Hsee, Christopher K., Yang Yang, and Xilin Li ) , Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 153, 13-26, 2019
The Helping Behavior Helps Lighten Physical Burden(Li, Xilin and Xiaofei Xie ) , Basic & Applied Social Psychology, 39(4), 183-192, 2017