




姓名: 徐升(Shane)
国籍: 中国
行业: 其他
职能: 创业
电子邮件: xsheng2.m25@ceibs.edu

I'm Shane from Shandong. I've built up my bike-sharing business in the past three years, and we're currently cooperating with industry giant Meituan. I'm glad to share my experience, so please don't hesitate to reach out to me!

姓名: 夏蓝雪(Miley)
国籍: 中国
行业: 消费品
职能: 市场营销/销售
电子邮件: xlanxue.m25@ceibs.edu

I'm Miley from Hubei. I completed my secondary education in the U.S. and graduated from Boston University. Before CEIBS, I delved into Marketing in Shanghai. Feel free to contact me if you have similar experience.

姓名: 王堇蘅(Raj)
国籍: 中国
行业: 科技
职能: 运营/物流
电子邮件: wjinheng.m25@ceibs.edu

I'm Raj from Shanghai, with six years as a Purchasing Manager in the mobile phone industry. My pre-MBA goal is a career transition. What's yours? Eager to connect and discuss our paths.

姓名: 孙莹昊(Sherley)
国籍: 中国
行业: 咨询
职能: 市场营销/销售
电子邮件: syinghao.m25@ceibs.edu

I'm Sherley from Shanghai, with nearly eight years in the Marketing Communications field. As I continue to build on my business skills at CEIBS, I'm delighted to share my experiences and insights with you all.

姓名: 苏芳怡(Stacy)
国籍: 中国台湾
行业: 科技
职能: 咨询
电子邮件: sfangyi.m25@ceibs.edu

I'm Stacy from Taiwan, with six years' experience in digital transformation consulting across multiple industries. I would love to share my CEIBS experience with everyone who has the passion to start their own MBA journey!

姓名: 沙仲文(Jack)
国籍: 中国
行业: 医疗
职能: 其他
电子邮件: szhongwen.m25@ceibs.edu

I'm Jack from Shanghai. I completed my undergrad in the US and have experience in FMCG consulting and MedTech business development. I look forward to connecting and sharing my journey through different industries.

姓名: 齐蕴茁(Jessica)
国籍: 中国
行业: 金融服务
职能: 财务
电子邮件: qyunzhuo@ceibs.edu

I'm Jessica from Liaoning, looking to transition from a Big Four role to explore new career avenues. Delighted to exchange thoughts and insights with you all!

姓名: 李响(Emily)
国籍: 中国
行业: 科技
职能: 产品经理
电子邮件: lxiang.m25@ceibs.edu

I'm Emily from Shanghai. I graduated from NYU Shanghai, and have worked as a Product Manager for internet companies for over 5 years. I came to CEIBS to explore the great synergy between business and technology.

姓名: 刘志杰(Barry)
国籍: 中国香港
行业: 消费品
职能: 创业
电子邮件: lchikit.m25@ceibs.edu

I'm Barry from Shenzhen, a brand founder in the domestic fashion industry. Excited to connect and discuss topics from retail and e-commerce to marketing, entrepreneurship, and life at CEIBS. Feel free to reach out!

姓名: 黄炜
国籍: 中国
行业: 政府
职能: 贸易
电子邮件: hwei.m25@ceibs.edu

I'm Wei from Beijing! With eight years at TDB of the Ministry of Commerce, P.R.C. I'm now diving into the business arena. As a Student Ambassador, I'm eager to chat about my career transition and more. 

姓名: 胡雅捷(Angela)
国籍: 中国
行业: 非营利机构
职能: 市场营销/销售
电子邮件: hyajie.m25@ceibs.edu

I'm Angela from Shenzhen! I've called Canada and the US home for a decade and dipped my toes in non-profits, start-ups, and big corporations. I can't wait to connect and share my multi-industry experience!

姓名: 胡少萌(Anna)
国籍: 中国
行业: 房地产
职能: 咨询
电子邮件: hshaomeng.m25@ceibs.edu

I'm Anna from Beijing! I'm an EHL graduate with a hospitality background. As a Student Ambassador, I absolutely love meeting people from all corners of the globe. Let's connect!

姓名: 丁慧敏(Miya)
国籍: 中国
行业: 科技/体育
职能: 项目管理/市场营销
电子邮件: dhuimin.m25@ceibs.edu

I'm Miya from Beijing, though Hefei is my hometown. I have four years of work experience in two distinct industries—Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games and Amazon. Super excited to share my CEIBS journey as a Student Ambassador!

姓名: 陈兆立(Jolie)
国籍: 中国
行业: 科技
职能: 市场营销/销售
电子邮件: czhaoli.m25@ceibs.edu

I'm Jolie from Shanghai, with five years' marketing experience in the internet sector. Delighted to connect and share my experience!

姓名: 曹丹
国籍: 中国
行业: 制造业
职能: 市场营销/销售
电子邮件: cdan.m25@ceibs.edu

I'm Dan, hailing from Shanghai, with three years of expertise in the chemical sector. I'm excited to share my experience with you!

姓名: 朱嫣琼(Rene)
国籍: 中国
行业: 消费品
职能: 市场营销/销售
电子邮件: zyanqiong.m25@ceibs.edu

I'm Rene from Shanghai, with 11 years in luxury marketing. A passionate traveler and theatre enthusiast, I'm fueled by curiosity, challenge, and courage. Thrilled to connect with you all!

国籍: 智利
行业: 房地产
职能: 财务
电子邮件: Ajose.m25@ceibs.edu

I'm Jose from Chile, with over 5 years in the Chilean Real Estate industry. I arrived in Shanghai in August 2022. I look forward to connecting and sharing my experiences at CEIBS and in China!

姓名: CHNG Cher Yee, Cheryee
国籍: 马来西亚
行业: 其他
职能: 市场营销/销售
电子邮件: ccheryee.m25@ceibs.edu

I'm Cheryee from Malaysia, with four years in marketing in Shanghai. As a Student Ambassador, I'm eager to share my experiences and connect with you all.

姓名: DE GAYFFIER Jeanne
国籍: 法国
行业: 咨询
职能: 法务
电子邮件: djeanne.m25@ceibs.edu

I'm Jeanne from France, formerly a legal professional in Europe. Now I'm thrilled to be exploring new roles in China. Let's chat about all things China and Europe!

国籍: 黎巴嫩
行业: 农业/咨询
职能: 创业
电子邮件: eomar.m25@ceibs.edu

I'm Omar, a Lebanese entrepreneur skilled in launching and scaling businesses globally. More than happy to share my experience with you.

姓名: KONGJINDA Piyagoon
国籍: 泰国
行业: 工业产品
职能: 市场营销/销售
电子邮件: kpiyagoon.m25@ceibs.edu

I'm Piyagoon from Thailand, experienced in the FMCG and industrial goods sectors. As a Student Ambassador, I'm more than happy to share my insights and chat, so don't hesitate to reach out!

国籍: 奥地利
行业: 咨询
职能: 咨询
电子邮件: mmark.m25@ceibs.edu

I'm Mark from Austria. I completed my undergrad in Geneva and have worked in both a software startup and a Big 4 consulting firm. Looking forward to meeting you all!

姓名: MC LAUGHLIN Martin Edward
国籍: 美国
行业: 咨询
职能: 创业
电子邮件: mmartinedward.m25@ceibs.edu

I'm Martin from Wisconsin, USA, with a decade of experience in the education sector. I'm excited to share my experience of being based in China for the last 8 years. 

国籍: 巴西
行业: 零售/贸易
职能: 市场营销/销售
电子邮件: nfernanda.m25@ceibs.edu

I'm Fernanda from Brazil, bringing nearly a decade of experience in Data Analysis and Online Retail. I arrived in China in August 2023 for my studies, and it's all a new adventure for me. Can't wait to share my experiences!

姓名: PEZZOTTI Martina
国籍: 瑞士
行业: 物流
职能: 其他
电子邮件: pmartina.m25@ceibs.edu

I'm Martina from Switzerland, an HSG graduate. I've worked in my family's freight forwarding business, Spedimar, as well as at Credit Suisse. Excited to exchange experiences and get to know everyone!

国籍: 日本
行业: 科技
职能: 市场营销/销售
电子邮件: tyuta.m25@ceibs.edu

I am Yuta from Japan. I worked in Japanese internet company Rakuten for 6 years. I'm very happy to share my thoughts and feelings with you about CEIBS and beyond!

国籍: 泰国
行业: 消费品
职能: 综合管理
电子邮件: vchayapol.m25@ceibs.edu

I'm Chayapol from Thailand. I've worked in Consumer Good and Chemical for 4 years. I really love living in Shanghai. I'm happy to connect and share my experiences with everyone.

姓名: YANG Yudian, Rain
国籍: 澳大利亚
行业: 消费品
职能: 研发
电子邮件: yyudian.m25@ceibs.edu

I'm Rain from Australia, an Insight Analyst with experience on both the agency and client sides. Ready to explore new opportunities in Shanghai. Excited to connect with you all!

国籍: 日本
行业: 咨询/体育
职能: 咨询
电子邮件: yyuya.m25@ceibs.edu

I'm Yuya from Japan. Prior to CEIBS, my journey encompassed investment banking, management consulting, private equity, and a CEO role in a professional basketball team. Excited to share my varied experiences and the fantastic times at CEIBS!
