后退谭寅亮博士是中欧国际工商学院决策科学和管理信息系统学教授。他曾在斯坦福大学人工智能研究院和数字经济实验室担任访问学者。在加入中欧之前,他是美国休斯顿大学C.T. Bauer (鲍尔商学院)决策和信息科学终身教授,鲍尔讲席教授,DBA项目主任,以及供应链管理方向系主任。他还担任了休斯顿大学人工智能研究中心副主任和慧与科技 (HPE)数据科学研究中心资深研究员。在此之前,他在美国杜兰大学Freeman School of Business(弗里曼商学院)管理科学方向担任助理教授,副教授和戈德林国际教育中心行政主任,并获得终身教授与讲席教授职位。
谭寅亮教授在英国《金融时报》(Financial Times)认定的50种国际顶级管理学期刊累计发表了20多篇论文,包括《管理科学》(Management Science), 《管理信息系统季刊》(MIS Quarterly), 《信息系统研究》(Information Systems Research), 《生产和运营管理》(Production and Operations Management), 《制造与服务运营管理》(Manufacturing & Service Operations Management)和《人际关系》(Human Relations),并多次获得最佳论文奖。谭寅亮教授现在担任《生产和运营管理》(Production and Operations Management,FT 50)的资深编辑, 《决策科学》(Decision Sciences Journal)的部门编辑,《信息与管理》(Information & Management)期刊的副主编,以及《信息系统研究》(Information Systems Research)、《运营管理期刊》(Journal of Operations Management)和《管理信息系统期刊》(Journal of Management Information Systems)的编委会成员。
谭寅亮教授于2019年被评为世界最佳40名40岁以下的商学院教授, 同年他获得了国际决策科学学会(Decision Science Institute)颁发的早期职业成就奖。他于2022年获得INFORMS 信息系统学会颁发的 Sandy Slaughter职业成就奖以表彰他对信息系统领域做出的贡献。
- 佛罗里达大学运营管理与信息系统博士 美国
- 佛罗里达大学工业工程学硕士 美国
- 同济大学物流工程学学士 中国
- 人工智能
- 数字经济
- 企业数字战略
- 供应链管理
- 人工智能与商业变革
- 数据可视化
- 供应链管理
- 艺术品金融与投资
- 2024 年最佳资深编辑奖,《生产与运营管理杂志》
- 2023 年全球供应链与物流贡献奖,国际工业工程与运营管理协会
- 2023 年 Lucile 和 Leroy Melcher 杰出研究奖,休斯顿大学
- 2022 年 Sandra A. Slaughter 早期职业奖,国际信息系统协会,INFORMS
- 2019 年 Carol J. Latta 早期杰出职业成就奖,国际决策科学学会
- 2019 年 Irving H. LaValle 研究卓越奖,杜兰大学
- 2019 年最杰出的 40 位 40 岁以下商业教授,Poets & Quants
- 2019 年最佳审稿人奖,《生产与运营管理杂志》
- 2018 年最佳商学院研究生类教学奖,杜兰大学
- 2017 年最佳问题驱动分析研究论文,国际决策科学学会
- 2016 年 Irving H. LaValle 研究卓越奖,杜兰大学
- 2013 年宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院 客户数据分析项目 研究资助奖获得者
- 2011 年美国零售联合会 (NRF) 基金会 Ray M. Greenly 奖学金
- 2008 年宝钢集团奖学金
- 2008 年同济大学一等奖学金(前 1%)
"Implications of blockchain-powered marketplace of preowned virtual goods"(Yinliang (Ricky) Tan) , Production and Operations Management, Forthcoming
"When investors meet consumers: The roles and interactions of different backers in the crowdfunding market"(Feiqiong Wei, Yinliang(Ricky) Tan, Haibing Gao, Huazhong Zhao) , Decision Sciences, Forthcoming
"Dinner at Your Doorstep: Service Innovation via the Gig Economy on Food Delivery Platforms"(Geng Sun, Yeongin Kim, Yinliang (Ricky) Tan, Geoffrey G. Parker) , Information Systems Research, Forthcoming
"Social Pricing of Luxury Products in a Distribution Channel"(Yuetao Gao, Shaoxuan Liu, Bo Shen, Yiliang (Ricky) Tan) , Production and Operations Management, Forthcoming
Agency models in online platforms: A review of recent developments and future prospects(Yinliang (Ricky) Tan, Chuanbin Yu, Yang Liu, Quan Zheng) , European Journal of Operational Research , 319 679-695, 2024
Information Transparency With Targeting Technology for Online Service Operations Platform(Ailing Xu, Yinliang (Ricky) Tan, Qian-Chu He) , Production and Operations Management, 33(6) 1410-1425, 2024
Physician Adoption of AI Assistant(Ting Hou, Meng Li, Yinliang (Ricky) Tan, Huazhong Zhao) , Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 26(5): 1639-1655, 2024
"'High' innovators? Marijuana legalization and regional innovation"(Stephanie Cheng, Pengkai Lin, Yinliang Tan (Ricky), Yuchen Zhang) , Production and Operations Management, 32 (3): 685-703, 2023
"Benefits of sourcing alternative inputs of manufacturers for suppliers"(Yuetao Gao, Norman Johnson, Bo Shen, Yinliang(Ricky) Tan) , Production and Operations Management, 32, 1880-1894, 2023
"Mitigating the psychologically detrimental effects of supervisor undermining: Joint effects of voice and political skill"(Shuahua Sun, Michael Burke, Huaizhong Chen, Yinliang(Ricky) Tan, Jiantong Zhang, Lili Hou) , Human Relations, 75 (1) 87-112, 2022
“Socialize More, Pay Less: Randomized Field Experiments on Social Pricing”(Haibing Gao, Subodha Kumar, Yinliang (Ricky) Tan, Huazhong Zhao) , Information Systems Research, 33(3):935-953, 2022
"Less is More? The Strategic Role of Retailer's Capacity"(Yinliang (Ricky) Tan, Yan Xiong, Haibing Gao, Xi Li, Huazhong Zhao) , Production and Operations Management, 30, 10, 1059-1478, 2021
"When to Play Your Advertisement? Optimal Insertion Policy of Behavioral Advertisement"(Subodha Kumar, Yinliang(Ricky) Tan, Lai Wei) , Information Systems Research, 31, 2, 589-606, 2020
"Altruism or Shrewd Business? Implications of Technology Openness on Innovations and Competition"(He Huang, Geoffrey Parker, Yinliang(Ricky) Tan, Hongyan Xu) , MIS Quarterly, 44, 3, 1049-1071, 2020
"Social Promotion: A Creative Promotional Framework on Consumers’ Social Network Value"(Haibing Gao, Huazhong Zhao, Yinliang(Ricky) Tan, Ya(Lisa) Lin, Lai Wei) , Production and Operations Management, 29, 12, 1059-1478, 2020
"Strategies analysis of luxury fashion rental platform in sharing economy"(Yixuan Feng, Yinliang(Ricky) Tan, Yongrui Duan, Yu Bai) , Transportation Research, 142, 12, 1366-5545, 2020
"Multi-Attribute Procurement Auctions in the Presence of Satisfaction Risk"(He Huang, Liming Liu, Geoffrey Parker, Yinliang(Ricky) Tan, Hongyan Xu) , Production and Operations Management, 28, 5, 1059-1478, 2019
"Strategic Analysis of Dual Sourcing and Dual Channel with an Unreliable Alternative Supplier"(Baozhuang Niu, Jiawei Li, Jie Zhang, Hsing Kenneth Cheng, Yinliang(Ricky) Tan) , Production and Operations Management, 28, 3, 1059-1478, 2019
"Captivate: Building blocks for implementing active learning"(Brent Kitchens, Tawnya Means, Yinliang(Ricky) Tan) , Journal of Education for Business, 93, 2, 0883-2323, 2018
"How Add-on Pricing Interacts with Distribution Contracts"(Xianjun Geng, Yinliang(Ricky) Tan, Lai Wei) , Production and Operations Management, 27, 4, 1059-1478, 2018
"Marketplace, Reseller, or Hybrid: Strategic Analysis of an Emerging E-Commerce Model"(Lin Tian, Asoo J. Vakharia, Yinliang(Ricky) Tan, Yifan Xu) , Production and Operations Management, 27, 8, 1059-1478, 2018
"How Add-on Pricing Interacts with Distribution Contracts"(Xianjun Geng, Yinliang(Ricky) Tan, Lai Wei) , Production and Operations Management, 27, 4, 606-623, 2018
"Strategic Analysis of the Agency Model for Digital Goods"(Yinliang(Ricky) Tan, Janice E. Carrillo) , Production and Operations Management, 26, 4, 1059-1478, 2017
"Mitigating Inventory Overstocking: Optimal Order-up-to Level to Achieve a Target Fill Rate over a Finite Horizon"(Yinliang(Ricky) Tan, Anand A. Paul, Qi Deng, Lai Wei) , Production and Operations Management, 26, 11, 1059-1478, 2017
"The Agency Model for Digital Goods"(Yinliang Tan, Janice E. Carrillo, Hsing Kenny Cheng) , Decision Sciences, 47, 4, 2016
"The Demand Effects of Joint Product Advertising in Online Videos"(Anuj Kumar, Yinliang(Ricky) Tan) , Management Science, 61, 8, 1921-1937, 2015
"Inventory Planning for a Modular Product Family"(Anand Paul, Yinliang(Ricky) Tan, Asoo J. Vakharia) , Production and Operations Management, 24, 7, 1059-1478, 2015
"The Agency Model for Digital Goods: Strategic Analysis of Dual Channels in Electronic Publishing Industry"(Yinliang(Ricky) Tan, Janice E. Carrillo) , 2014 PICMET Conference Proceedings, 2014
"Book Chapter: The Multi-product Newsvendor Problem: Review, Extensions, and Directions for Future Research"(Nazli Turken, Yinliang Tan, Asoo J. Vakharia, Lan Wang, Ruoxuan Wang, and Arda Yenipazarli) , Handbook of Newsvendor Problems, International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, 2012
2024-11-18 谭寅亮:全球AI监管新纪元——欧盟AI法案的影响与挑战
2024-10-20 谭寅亮:缺乏失业保障和技能转移难度大,导致美国码头工人对自动化态度保守
2024-10-15 谭寅亮:生产力悖论:三次工业革命规律如何在AI时代演绎
2024-09-13 谭寅亮:代码“神器”Cursor爆火,程序员和开发者如何适应AI时代?
2024-08-23 “萝卜”,该快跑还是慢跑?| 数智前沿
2024-08-20 谭寅亮:谷歌前CEO言论激起波澜:远程办公是否阻碍了科技巨头的创新步伐?
2024-08-18 谭寅亮:OpenAI面临多个挑战:人才流失、财务压力与竞争对手的追赶
2024-08-07 谭寅亮: “萝卜”,该快跑还是慢跑?
2024-07-06 谭寅亮:行业“爆改”进行时,企业该不该“听劝”让自己AI化?
2024-06-18 谭寅亮:突围与蝶变——中国大模型发展方兴未艾
2024-06-03 濮方可:2024年中欧首届人工智能未来领导力论坛举行 AI启未来:商业世界新引擎