2020年 04月17日
1. Xiande Zhao(#); KwanHo Yeung; Qiuping Huang(*); Xiao Song, Improving the predictability of business failure of supply chain finance clients by using external big dataset, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2015.01.01 , 115(9):1683~1703
2. Baofeng Huo(#); Yuxiao Ye; Xiande Zhao(*), The impacts of trust and contracts on opportunism in the 3PL industry: The moderating role of demand uncertainty, International Journal of Production Economics, 2015.12 , 170:160~170
3. Qian Yang(#); Xiande Zhao(*); Hoi Yan Jeff Yeung; Yan Ping Liu, Are logistics outsourcing partners more integrated in a more volatile environment?, International Journal of Production Economics, 2016.01.01 , 171(2):211~220
4. Zhiqiang Wang(#); Lingfeng Chen; Xiande Zhao(*); Wenhui Zhou(*), Modularity in building mass customization capability: The mediating effects of customization knowledge utilization and business process improvement, Technovation, 2014.01.01 , 34(11):678~687
5. Jie Chen(#); Xiande Zhao(*); Mike Lewis; Brian Squire, A multi-method investigation of buyer power and supplier motivation to share knowledge, Production and Operations Management, 2016.3 , 25(3):417~431
6. Baofeng Huo(#); Dijia Fu; Xiande Zhao(*); Jingwen Zhu, Curbing opportunism in logistics outsourcing relationships: The role of relational norms and contract, International Journal of Production Economics, 2016.12 , 182:293~303
7. Qian YANG(#); Xiande ZHAO(*); Hoi Yan Jeff YEUNG; Yan Ping LIU, Improving logistics outsourcing performance through transactional and relational mechanisms under transaction uncertainties: Evidence from China, Author’s Accepted Manuscript, 2016.5 , 175:12~23
8. Stephen C.H. Ng(#); Johnny M. Rungtusanatham; Xiande Zhao(*); Xiande Zhao, TQM and environmental uncertainty levels: profiles, fit, and firm performance, International Journal of Production Research, 2015.7.18 , 53(14):4266~4286
9. 叶飞(#); 令狐大智, 双寡头竞争环境下的碳配额分配策略研究, 系统工程理论与实践, 2015 , 35(12):3028~3046
10. 王志强(#); 张珊珊; 赵先德; 朱桂龙, 基于客户合作的制造企业产品创新--多案例研究, 管理案例研究与评论, 2015 , 8(2):163~172
11. Qiang Wang(#); Zhiqiang Wang(*); Xiande Zhao, Strategic orientations and mass customisation: The moderating effect of product life cycle, International Journal of Production Research, 2015.9.2 , 53(17):5278~5295
12. Baofeng Huo(#); Cheng Zhang(*); Xiande Zhao, The effect of IT and relationship commitment on supply chain coordination: A contingency and configuration approach, Information & Management, 2015.9 , 52(6):728~740
13. Zhi Cao(#); Baofeng Huo(*); Yuan Li; Xiande Zhao, The impact of organizational culture on supply chain integration: A contingency and configuration approach, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 2015.1 , 20(1):24~41
14. 刘学元(#); 丁雯婧; 赵先德, 企业创新网络中关系强度、吸收能力与创新绩效的关系研究, 南开管理评论, 2016 , 19(01):30~42
15. 李敏(#); 王志强; 赵先德, 供应商关系管理对知识整合与企业创新的影响——共同认知的中介作用, 科学学与科学技术管理, 2017.8.10 , 38(08):85~96
16. Zhiqiang Wang(#); Qiang Wang(*); Shanshan Zhang; Xiande Zhao, Effects of customer and cost drivers on green supply chain management practices and environmental performance, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018.7.10 , 189:673~682
17. Min Zhang(#); Yinan Qi; Zhiqiang Wang(*); Kulwant S. Pawar; Xiande Zhao, How does intellectual capital affect product innovation performance? Evidence from China and India, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 2018.3 , 38(3):895~914
18. Fei Ye(#); Gang Hou; Yina Li(*), Managing bioethanol supply chain resiliency: A risk-sharing model to mitigate yield uncertainty risk, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2018 , 118(7):1510~1527
19. Fei Ye(#); Murui Lu; Yina Li(*), Optimal overbooking decision for a "Hotel plus OTA" dual-channel supply chain, International Transactions in Operational Research, 2019.5 , 26(3):999~1024
20. Fei Ye(#); Yina Li(*); Qian Yang, Designing coordination contract for biofuel supply chain in China, Resource,Conservation &Recycling, 2018.1 , 128:306~314
21. Yina Li(#); Fei Ye(*); Chwen Sheu; Qian Yang, Linking green market orientation and performance: Antecedents and processes, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018.8.10 , 192:924~931
22. Lixu Li(#); Yina Li(*); Fei Ye(*); Kim Hua Tan, A bi-objective programming model for carbon emission quota allocation: Evidence from the Pearl River Delta region, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018.12.20 , 205(1):163~178
23. Lixu Li(#); Yina Li(*); Fei Ye(*); Li Zhang, Carbon dioxide emissions quotas allocation in the Pearl River Delta region: Evidence from the maximum deviation method, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018.3.10 , 177:207~217
24. Fei Ye(#); Lixu Li(*); Zhiqiang Wang; Yina Li(*), An asymmetric nash bargaining model for carbon emission quota allocation among industries: Evidence from guangdong province, China, Sustainability, 2018.11 , 10(11):4210~4218
25. 李怡娜(#); 魏超(*), 竞争环境下提前期–价格响应模式均衡策略研究, 系统工程学报, 2018 , 33(02):225~241
26. Fei Ye(#); Li Zhang; Yina Li(*), Strategic choice of sales channel and business model for the hotel supply chain, Journal of Retailing, 2018.3 , 94(1):33~44
27. Yongwu Zhou(#); Wenzong Liang; Wuxiao Li(*), A single-period inventory and payment model with partial trade credit, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2015.01.01 , 90:132~145
28. Tsan-Ming Choi(#); T. C. E. Cheng; Xiande Zhao, Multi-methodological research in operations management, Production and Operations Management, 2016.3 , 25(3):379~389
29. Zhiqiang Wang(#); Tobias Schoenherr; Xiande Zhao; Shanshan Zhang(*), Intellectual capital, supply chain learning and adaptability: A comparative investigation in China and the United States, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
30. Min Zhang(#); Yinan Qi; Zhiqiang Wang(*); Xiande Zhao; Kulwant Pawar, Effects of business and political ties on product innovation performance: Evidence from China and India, Technovation, 2019 , 80-81:30~39
31. Shanshan Zhang(#); Zhiqiang Wang(*); Xiande Zhao; Min Zhang, Effects of institutional support on innovation and performance: Roles of dysfunctional competition, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2017 , 117(1):50~67
32. Zhiqiang Wang(#); Ruey-Jer “Bryan” Jean(*); Xiande Zhao, The direct and indirect impact of relational ties on innovation performance: An empirical study in China, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
33. Min Zhang(#)(*); Fiona Lettice; Xiande Zhao, The impact of social capital on mass customization and product innovation capabilities, International Journal of Production Research, 2015.9.2 , 53(17):5251~5264
34. Min Li(#); Zhiqiang Wang(*); Xiande Zhao, The role of indigenous technological capability and interpersonal trust in supply chain learning, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2018 , 118(5):1052~1070
35. Zhiqiang Wang(#); Qiang Wang(*); Xiande Zhao; Marjorie A. Lyles; Guilong Zhu, Interactive effects of external knowledge sources and internal resources on the innovative capabilities of Chinese manufacturers, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2016 , 116(8):1617~1635
36. Siyu Li(#); Xiande Zhao; Baofeng Huo(*), Supply chain coordination and innovativeness: A social contagion and learning perspective, International Journal of Production Economics, 2018.11 , 205:47~61
37. Jing Zeng(#)(*); Wenqing Zhang; Yoshiki Matsui; Xiande Zhao, The impact of organizational context on hard and soft quality management and innovation performance, International Journal of Production Economics, 2017.3 , 185:240~251
38. Shanshan Zhang(#); Zhiqiang Wang(*); Xiande Zhao, Effects of proactive environmental strategy on environmental performance: Mediation and moderation analyses, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019.10.20 , 235:1438~1449
39. Sonia M. Lo(#); Shanshan Zhang; Zhiqiang Wang(*); Xiande Zhao, The impact of relationship quality and supplier development on green supply chain integration: A mediation and moderation analysis, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018.11.20 , 202:524~535
40. Ruey-Jer “Bryan” Jean(#); Zhiqiang Wang; Xiande Zhao; Rudolf R. Sinkovics(*), Drivers and customer satisfaction outcome of CSR in supply chains in different institutional contexts: a comparison between China and Taiwan, International Marketing Review, 2016 , 33(4):514~529
41. Wenwen Zhu(#); Zhiqiang Wang(*), The collaborative networks and thematic trends of research on purchasing and supply management for environmental sustainability: A bibliometric review, Sustainability, 2018.5 , 10(5):1~28
42. Min Zhang(#); Hangfei Guo; Xiande Zhao, Effects of social capital on operational performance: Impacts of servitisation, International Journal of Production Research, 2017.8 , 55(15):4304~4318
43. Min Zhang(#)(*); Xiande Zhao; Chris Voss; Guilong Zhu, Innovating through services, co-creation and supplier integration: Cases from China, International Journal of Production Economics, 2016.1 , 171:289~300
44. Qianling Chen(#); Min Zhang; Xiande Zhao, Analysing customer behavior in mobile app usage, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2017 , 117(2):425~438
45. Lei Li(#); Qingyun Huang; KwanHo Yeung(*); Zhaoquan Jian, Human-computer interaction and value co-creation in electronic service, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2018 , 118(1):218~235
46. Qiang Wang(#)(*); Chris Voss; Xiande Zhao, Deployment strategies for service innovation, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2019.11 , 66(4):514~528
47. Baofeng Huo(#); Qiang Wang(*); Xiande Zhao; Sebastian Schuh, Threats and benefits of power discrepancies between organisations: A supply chain perspective, International Journal of Production Research, 2016.7 , 54(13):3870~3884
48. Baofeng Huo(#); Yuxiao Ye; Xiande Zhao; Jiang Wei; Zhongsheng Hua, Environmental uncertainty, specific assets, and opportunism in 3PL relationships: A transaction cost economics perspective, International Journal of Production Economics, 2018.9 , 203:154~163
49. Qianwen Wang(#); Baofeng Huo(*); Xiande Zhao, What makes logistics integration ore effective? Governance from contractual and relational perspectives, Journal of Business Logistics
50. Wenhui Fu(#); Qiang Wang(*); Xiande Zhao, Platform-based service innovation and system design: A literature review, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2018 , 118(5):946~974
51. Wenhui Fu(#); Qiang Wang(*); Xiande Zhao, Platform-based service innovation and system design: Research opportunities, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2018 , 118(5):975~997
52. Wenhui Fu(#); Qiang Wang(*); Xiande Zhao, The influence of platform service innovation on value co-creation activities and the network effect, Journal of Service Management, 2017 , 28(2):348~388
53. Lan Du(#); QiuPing Huang; Kwanho Yeung(*); ZhaoQuan Jian, Improving service innovation performance through the big data management closed loop competence in China mobile, International Journal of Computer Science and Applications, 2016 , 13(1):116~132
54. Zhiqiang Wang(#); Min Zhang; Hongyi Sun; Guilong Zhu(*), Effects of standardization and innovation on mass customization: An empirical investigation, Technovation, 2016.2 , 48-49:79~86
55. Wenwen Zhu(#); Stephen C.H. Ng; Zhiqiang Wang(*); Xiande Zhao, The role of outsourcing management process in improving the effectiveness of logistics outsourcing, Int. J. Production Economics, 2017 , 188:29~40
56. Yinan Qi(#); Baofeng Huo; Zhiqiang Wang(*); Hoi Yan Jeff Yeung, The impact of operations and supply chain strategies on integration and performance, Int. J. Production Economics, 2017.5 , 185:162~174
57. Zhiqiang Wang(#); Baofeng Huo(*); Xiande Zhao; Yinan Qi, A resource-based view on enablers of supplier integration: Evidence from China, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2016 , 116(3):416~444
58. Hongyi Sun(#); Wenbin Ni(*); Zhiqiang Wang, A consumption system model integrating quality, satisfaction and behavioral intentions in online shopping, Inf Technol Manag, 2016.1 , 17:165~177
59. Zhi Cao(#); Baofeng Huo(*); Yuan Li; Xiande Zhao, Competition and supply chain integration: A taxonomy perspective, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2015 , 115(5):923~950
60. Qian Yang(#); Qiang Wang(*); Xiande Zhao, Improving relationship performance on platforms: the role of platform technology usage in promoting justice, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 2019.1.3 , 34(5):965~976
61. Qian Yang(#); Qiang Wang(*); Xiande Zhao, A taxonomy of transaction-specific investments and its effects on cooperation in logistics outsourcing relationships, International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 2019.11.2 , 22(6):557~575
62. Yuanzhu Zhan(#)(*); Kim Hua Tan; Yina Li; Ying Kei Tse, Unlocking the power of big data in new product development, ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH, 2018.11 , 270(1-2):577~595
63. Fei Ye(#); Yina Li(*); Qiang Lin; Yuanzhu Zhan, Modeling of China's cassava-based bioethanol supply chain operation and coordination, Energy, 2017.2.1 , 120:217~228
64. Jiangtao Wang(#); Yina Li(*); Fei Ye(*); Quan Chen, Optimal introduction time decision for holiday products with uncertain market demand, International Journal of Production Research, 2017.1 , 55(1):161~175
65. Zhiqiang Wang(#); Qiang Wang(*); Yin Lai; Chaojie Liang, Drivers and outcomes of supply chain fnance adoption: An empirical investigation in China, International Journal of Production Economics
66. Qing Li(#)(*); Peiwen Yu; Xiaoli Wu, Managing perishable inventories in retailing: Replenishment, clearance sales, and segregation, OPERATIONS RESEARCH, 2016.11 , 64(6):1270~1284
67. Guihua Wang(#); Yuanguang Zhon(*); Chung-Piaw Teo; Qizhang Liu, Flow-based accessibility measurement: The Place Rank approach, Transportation Research Part C, 2015.7 , 56:335~345
68. 叶赛(#); 王志强; 李敏, 顾客参与对新产品成功的影响, 经济与管理研究, 2016.3 , 37:102~107
69. 周永务(#); 嵇凯; 胡树安; 钟远光(*), 两竞争推广商与酒店的合作协调研究, 控制理论与应用, 2018.6 , 35(6):868~877
70. 李怡娜(#)(*); 徐丽, 竞争环境、绿色实践与企业绩效关系研究, 科学学与科学技术管理, 2017.2 , 38(2):44~54
71. 李雷(#); 杨怀珍(*), 网络平台运营机制如何影响内容提供商新服务开发绩效?, 科研管理, 2018.1 , 39(1):18~25
72. 简兆权(#); 李敏; 叶赛, 企业间关系承诺与信息共享对服务创新绩效的影响 ———网络能力的作用, 软科学, 2018.7 , 32(7):70~88
73. 李雷(#); 赵霞; 简兆权, 人机交互如何影响顾客感知电子服务质量? ——基于广东、广西634个样本的实证研究, 外国经济与管理, 2017.1 , 39(1):96~113
74. 杨怀珍(#); 霍玉龙; 李雷, 基于 ANP 方法改进的集中控制型 VMI&TPL 模式的利益分配机制, 运筹与管理, 2017.10 , 26(10):81~87
75. 李雷(#); 杨怀珍; 谭阳波; 简兆权, 任务技术匹配理论研究现状述评与趋势展望, 外国经济与管理, 2016.1 , 38(1):29~41
76. Min Zhang(#)(*); Xiande Zhao; Marjorie A. Lyles; Hangfei Guo, Absorptive capacity and mass customization capability, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 2015.9 , 35(9):1275~1294
77. Zhiqiang Wang(#)(*); Min Zhang, Linking product modularity to supply chain integration and flexibility, Production Planning & Control
78. Yuanguang Zhong(#)(*); Zhichao Zheng(*); Mabel C. Chou; Chung-Piaw Teo(*), Resource pooling and allocation policies to deliver differentiated service, MANAGEMENT SCIENCE, 2018.4 , 64(6):1555~1573
79. Qing Li(#)(*); Peiwen Yu; Xiaoli Wu, Shelf life extending packaging, inventory control and grocery retailing, PRODUCTION AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT, 2017.7 , 26(7):1369~1382
80. 陈夫华(#); 赵先德, 产业供应链服务平台是如何帮助中小企业获得融资的? ———以创捷供应链为例, 管理案例研究与评论, 2018.12 , 11(6):577~591
81. Yongwu Zhou(#); Zongliang Wen; Xiaoli Wu(*), A single-period inventory and payment model with partial trade credit, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2015.12 , 90:132~145
82. Qiuping Huang(#); Xiande Zhao; Min Zhang; KwanHo Yeung; Lijun Ma(*); Jeff Hoi-yan Yeung, The joint effects of lead time, information sharing, and the accounts receivable period on reverse factoring, Industrial Management & Data Systems
83. Xiao Song(#); Hao Ying(*); Xiande Zhao; Lujie Chen, Improving assessment capability for accounts receivable pool financiers: An empirical investigation, Industrial Management & Data Systems
84. Min Li(#); Zhaoquan Jian(*); Yan Liu; Liangcai Zhang, The facilitating factors of company’s service innovation performance: empirical evidence from China multi-industries, International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics, 2017 , 8(3):231~245
85. Xiaoyan Liu(#); Zhaoquan Jian(*); Kwanho Thomas Yeung; Jeff Yeung, Business model of service-driven manufacturing from S-G logic perspective, International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, 2019 , 33(3/4):234~255
86. Fei Ye(#); Qiang Lin(*); Yina Li, Coordination for contract farming supply chain with stochastic yield and demand under CVaR criterion, Operational Research: International Journal, 2017 , 0(0):1~29